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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

IRA Owner Taxed on Distribution, Even Though Funds Were Improperly Rolled into IRA

A deceased husband's IRA was incorrectly rolled over into an IRA of his widow, instead of being paid to his estate. The widow then distributed funds from the IRA to her stepson.

The Tax Court held that the widow was taxable on the funds distributed from the IRA under normal IRA distribution rules, even though the funds appear to have come from the erroneously rolled over IRA of her deceased husband.  The court noted "[a]lthough the Court finds that Wachovia incorrectly rolled over Mr. Ozimkoski, Sr.'s IRA to petitioner's IRA, the Court has no jurisdiction to unwind that transaction and must decide petitioner's tax liability on the basis of Wachovia's erroneous transfer of Mr. Ozimkoski, Sr.'s IRA assets to her IRA and the subsequent distributions from her IRA." Further, the widow was subject to the 10% tax of Code §72(t) as an early distribution from an IRA.

Suzanne D. Oster Ozimkoski, TC Memo 2016-228

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