Wednesday, August 08, 2012


There are only four months left to implement gift giving before year end to take advantage of the $5.12 million unified credit, before it reverts to $1 million in 2013. Given the increasing interest in planning for such gifts, and a few requests, I am putting on a one-hour in-house presentation on basic and advanced planning techniques. Included topics will include the pros and cons of gift planning, basic gifting techniques, SLATs and other gift trusts, formula fundings, and discounting, with a special focus on planning to allow continued economic interests to a donor after gifting.

The free presentation will be of interest to accountants, attorneys, financial planners, clients, bank, brokerage & trust officers,  and other interested persons. CPE credit is available, and CLE credit is applied for.

The presentations will be held on successive Fridays, on September 7 and 14, at 8 a.m. in our offices.

Since we have run out of room at past presentations, I am making this seminar available for a few days first to the readers of this blog, before a more general announcement goes out – so if you are interested, I suggest you sign up as soon as reasonably convenient. Please call or email Susana at 561-998-7847 or with your preferred date.

For a copy of our Full Announcement, go here.

1 comment:

J. Russell Armstrong, CFP® said...

I would love to be there but I'm in the Dallas area. Any chance you will be recording it for a pod cast or publishing a transcript post seminar ?

Thanks, J. Russell Armstrong, CFP®